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  • How large are the boxes?
    The boxes are six cubic feet, which is sized as "extra-large." These boxes can fit larger and bulkier items, such as irons, small ironing boards, small umbrellas, larger textbooks, bedsheets, clothes, etc. All boxes used are manufactured and designed by U-Haul, as they have proven to be able to provide the highest quality and most durable boxes. Box dimensions: 24" x 18" x 24" (W x L x H), 6 cu/ft Gross weight limit: 50 lbs. Here is a video showing how large they are:
  • Doesn't BJU have their own summer storage system for students?
    No. In 2018, Bob Jones University ended their "barrel" storage system due to several legitimate reasons concerning logistical and practical issues. They have also decided to refrain from resuming their summer storage solution any time soon. Stash My Stuff is currently the only summer storage service that the BJU administration has approved of.
  • Can I have my large items stored, such as my recliner chair?
    Yes! We will store most larger items, such as desks, chairs, and couches. To receive a free custom quote please email us at!
  • What can I put in the box?
    PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! As long as the contents inside of your box have a total weight of less than 50lbs, are not considered fragile (such as glass or electronics), and there is no food or liquid inside of your box, you may store essentially whatever you would like within the 6 cubic foot box that you will be provided. If you purchased insurance, then all of your contents will be insured during our transportation of your items to and from the storage facility, as well as while your items are in storage during the summer. If damage does occur and you fail to meet these guidelines, you will have forfeited that insurance.
  • How will I receive my box to put my things in?
    Shortly after ordering, you will be emailed a list of the times and on-campus locations where you can pick up your box(es). This will allow you to pack your things ahead of time. Pickup times will be near the end of finals week, and the pickup locations will be very close to your dorms (currently the lobby of your dorm). This will hopefully provide you the quickest and easiest way to pick-up everything you need. If you need any other kind of assistance don't hesitate to ask!
  • How will Stash My Stuff receive my boxes for transport to storage?
    After ordering and receiving your box, you will receive an email stating when we will be picking up your items. At one of the drop-off locations (currently your dorm lobby), you will set your items to the side with the following guidelines done. Some general guidelines: 1. Tape your box before you start filling them. I have a video on how to do so. You don't want the bottom falling out! Video: 2. Wright your full name in bold with a Sharpy on the top of each of your boxes. 3. If you have multiple boxes please number them. 4. If you have a Mini-fridge or Large Item, you will need to attach your name to it somehow. We will then carefully load your items into our truck for safe transportation to our storage facility.
  • How do I order and when do I pay?
    To place an order, click on the tab titled "Order Now". All payments are to be paid via Credit or Debit through our website when you place an order. This will ensure the quickest and safest transaction for everyone. If you have any further questions concerning this process, feel free to reach out to us.
  • Why is "Large Item" storage say $0?
    Large Item storages says $0 because it is on a Quote-by-Quote basis. To get a free, no-commitment quote, email Once we agree on a price we will send you an invoice where you can pay.
  • What if something happens to my items?
    While we do not anticipate any problems occurring, we do have insurance coverage for all of your belongings during our transportation of your items to and from the storage facility, as well as while your items are in storage during the summer. This means that if for some reason your items get damaged, everything will be covered under insurance (up to a limit and under conditions stated in Terms and Agreement). If you are storing semi-valuable items please consider selecting "with Insurance" when placing your order. Also, please be assured that our entire crew is fully trained in how to pick up and transport your boxes and fridges in a very gentle and respectful way. Like always, feel free to contact us for more information!
  • What if I don't end up coming back for the fall semester? How will I receive my items?
    While this service is intended for students that plan on attending BJU for the fall semester after summer break, we understand that plans may change. If for some reason you are not able to return to BJU for the fall semester, and consequently not able to pick up your items when we drop them off at the dorms, contact us and we can make arrangements to get your items to you. If you need them shipped to you we can do that but you will pay a shipping and handling fee.
  • Which colleges are eligible for this service?
    Bob Jones University Currently, we offer our services to Bob Jones University. We are planning on expanding to other colleges in the upstate of SC too! If your college does not have storage and would love us to come to your campus, please contact us and we would love to get in touch.

Any other questions? Call or email.
If not order soon for the best deal!

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